

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Manna~Insights & Reflection from the Elders

I was in a T-mobile store confronted with a choice between two brands of cellphones. Both are the latest models. Aside from the normal cellphone functions, one has superior features for video which the other has none. The other, on one hand is superior in email and messaging which I use often. The salesperson told me that both phones have 4G.

I asked our community member who was well versed on gadgets to brief me on the 4G. He told me that the phone I am presently using is only 3G. A 4G phone is 10x faster than what I have at present. This means reception and transmission of message or data will be faster on 4G.

WOW! I was impressed. My mind immediately zoomed in to my community. How I wish my instructions would be carried out that fast by my designated leaders. How I wish when everybody prays they would discern Gods message that fast. And how I wish they would act that fast!

In the realm of the spirit, which is where our soul and our spirit operate, communication is even faster than 4G. Communication is instant. We must keep in step of God's every move. We cannot be delayed in everything everytime.

The world is going faster. Changes are happening continuously everyday. Gadgets come and become obsolete in a year's time. People culture, organizations, institutions, evolve, adapt, survive or get extinct faster. But if we are anchored in God's pace, which is many times faster than 4G, we shall stay relevant and useful in the Lord's Kingdom.

Let us not be overtaken by time for we do not know when the Lord will come.
Rom. 9:9 "For this is the wording of the promise, about this time I shall return."
Reflect on our works that have been lagging behind and keep them back on track. Learn to keep all your assignments in pace with the plan. What are your difficulties in keeping your work on target? Share.
Prescription for today:
Acts 1:7 "It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by His own authority." 


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