

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Learning Diary

My Learning Diary”

Before year 2013 comes, there are things I'll never forget and instill in my mind; that the knowledge acquired of man is not just by working on it harder but also by their strong desire to learn or acquire new learning. You can learn if you want to, but if you let the spirit of laziness will lead you, well there is no learning to happen. I also discovered that groupings inside the classroom can help the students to learn easily by changing of ideas, helping each other to brought up the best idea the student have. But in the end, I'm pretty sure I didn't learn that much in my major subjects because I can't focus that much, there is a lot of things in my mind; for example in my blog the android thing that I've been addicted nowadays. I felt worried for the result of my prelim examination and what will be the outcome of my prelim grades this coming 2013. I think my grades of my major subjects will be failed, then I conclude that I should persevere if what are my objectives and my goals for this incoming 2013: Firstly to study my subject in advance so that I can go with the flow in class discussion, secondly to have a movies or videos to download about my major subjects, because for me it is easy to understand if I'll watch the videos, then I can repeat it if I want to, thirdly to research those important thing that we've tackled in our subject; forth to focus more in my subjects; fifth to read more. I hope good wish that this year will be more fruitful and more abundant for my family, friends, teachers, love-ones and also for my self.

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